Monday, May 16, 2011

Robert Burns. 1759-1796

Robert was born in the family of a poor farmer on the 25th January 1759. Robert was working in the field from the early age. His father had a bookshelf in their house. These were the first steps of his education. He was lucky to have a good teacher and some acquaintances among aristocratic society. They taught him good manners.

 At the age of 15 he fell in love first time in his life. That was the time, when he wrote his first poem. When the family moved to Tram Bolton, all farmers there were singing songs, written by Burns.

In 1786, after the father’s death, he published his first book with his friend’s help. Over than 600 copies of book were disappeared from the shops.

But the last years of Burns’ life were very hard. In 1795 he fells seriously ill. On the 21st July 1976, being 37 years old, Burns died. He was buried in Dumfries, where a great monument was put several years later.

He was a remarkable poet, who lived a remarkable life. He came to aristocratic circles from the poor family, he became the greatest poet of Scotch people, and he loved and was writing about love. We really love his poems and most favourite among us is “My Hearts in the Highlands”. We think he should be named a hero! We think that he taught us, that a poor farmer can become a famous poet, as a well-educated aristocrat.

Misha Levchenko& Anton But

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