Monday, May 16, 2011

Robert Burns (1759-1796)

Robert Burns was born on the 25th of January, 1759 in a small clay-built cottage at Alloway. Robert’s father was a poor farmer. Robert was lucky to have a good teacher at school, a young man who taught him good English. When 15 years of age, Burns fell in love and it was then that he created his first poem. Nelly was a pretty girl of 14 who helped Robert in the fields. “My Heart’s In the Highlands” is a very popular poem. “A Red, Red Rose” is also popular. In 1786 with the help of his friends Burns managed to publish his poems. His name became known in London and Edinburgh. The last years of Burn’s life were very hard. He gave up farming and with the help of his friends got a place at an office Dumfries. Robert ‘s big problem was attachments among women. He would easily fall in love. But his life-long love was Jean Armour, his wife. She was a great help to him throughout his life.
So from his biography we can have a lesson, that working hard and doing the best to achieve your aim, you can develop your talents and become famous. In my opinion he is a great poet! Not only the Scottish people sing and recite his poems, but people all over the world admire his works!

Veronika Stolbunova

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