Monday, May 16, 2011

Robert Burns (1759-1796)

 Robert Burns was born on the 25th of January, 1759.
 Robert’s father, a poor farmer, worked from early morning till late at night.
 From the age of 13 ploughing all day long, he managed to take some acquaintances among fellows of his age from aristocratic society in the town of Ayr. When 15 years of age, Burns fell in love for the first time in his life and it was that he created his first poem. Nelly was a pretty girl of 14 who helped Robert ploughing the field.
 The most popular Robert’s publications were ‘My Heart’s In the Highlands’ and ‘A Red, Red Rose’.
 In 1786, with the help of his friends Burns managed to publish his poem. His name became known in London and Edinburgh.
 Burns had many attachments with women. He easily fell in love. But his life-long love was Jean Armour, his wife.
He married secretly against the will of her parents.
The famous works of Burns were published in 1829 in a brochure Country on Saturday Night in Scotland.”
 I can call him a hero, because he was strong after his father’s death, after that the family knew misery, but he published his poems and became popular.
 In my opinion, Robert Burns is very friendly and romantic person. Friendly, because he had friends who often helped him and romantic, it can be said for his poems.

Margarita Morenova 

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