Sunday, February 13, 2011

George Gordon Byron (1788 -1824)

George Gordon Byron was born in the aristocratic family, but he always defended the interests of the working class. He was a wonderful author, whose fans were such famous Russian poets as Pushkin and Lermontov. He went abroad, because he hated the English government.
His family was impoverished. He was unsuccessfully married in 1815 -1816. The most troubling in his life was the separation with his Motherland. He expressed his nostalgia in his famous poem “Beppo”.
He wrote many successful poems such as Beppo, Cain and Don Juan.
He was fair with reference to the working class, because he defended the interests of the “Luddites”. And he was imaginative. He thought his own hero was called “Byronic hero”.
His sympathy to the working class led him to his death. He died in Greece, when he fought for the liberation of the country.
He was a brilliant and imaginative poet. This trait helped him to be famous.
He made some mistakes: firstly he married the wrong girl; secondly he came to Greece and fought against the Turks. If I was in his shoes, I wouldn`t marry her. And, if I got to Greece I would travel. there.
The first lesson he taught us is - follow your own way. The second lesson -  never fight in the war which is not yours. The third lesson - be loyal and always love you Motherland.
We think, we can judge the quality of person`s life by the enemies of this person. He had enemies in aristocratic circles, because he fought against high rulers.
George Byron didn’t have any mentor in his life or we don`t know about him. He had his own philosophy. This philosophy was to defend oppressed people. He believed in the higher justice.
Be a hero means to believe in higher justice and do all things to reach it.
Gordon Byron was a hero because he did all things to protect oppressed people and to reach justice and he remained a generous man in all his misfortunes and troubles.


Gordon Byron’s Tomb

 We think that a hero is different from a celebrity because a hero isn’t always well-known but he does some remarkable deeds.

                                              Mikhail Levchenko & Anton But, 8B form

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